2 Febbraio 2023
تتقدم الجمعية الاردنية لمصدري ومنتجي الخضار والفواكه ممثلة برئيس واعضاء مجلس الادارة وهيئتها العامة وجميع العاملين فيها بأحر التعازي وأصدق مشاعر المواساة بوفاة فابيو عمار مدير مشروع الالوفيرا – مؤسسة يوحنا بولص الثاني ايطاليا والذي نفّذ المشروع في الاردن مع الجمعية الاردنية لمصدري ومنتجي الخضار والفواكة .
وتقدم الجمعية التعازي لاصدقائه في الاردن وذويه في ايطاليا
The Jordan Exporters and Producers Association for Fruit and Vegetables JEPA, represented by the Chairman and members of the Board with its General Assembly and all its employees, extends its deepest condolences and sincere feelings of sympathy on the death of Fabio Ammar, Director of the Aloe Vera Project – John Paul II Foundation in Italy, who implemented the project in Jordan with the JEPA. JEPA offers condolences to his friends in Jordan and his family in Italy
L’Associazione Esportatori e Produttori Giordani JEPA, rappresentata dal Presidente e dai membri del Consiglio con la sua Assemblea Generale e tutti i suoi dipendenti, porge le più sentite condoglianze e sinceri sentimenti di cordoglio per la morte di Fabio Ammar, Direttore del Progetto Aloe Vera – Fondazione Giovanni Paolo II in Italia, che ha realizzato il progetto in Giordania con il JEPA. JEPA porge le condoglianze ai suoi amici in Giordania e alla sua famiglia in Italia.
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